Basic Policy against Anti-Social Forces

CellSource Co., Ltd. has established the following basic policy to govern its response to "anti-social forces" that pose a threat to the order and safety of civilian life.

1. Cut off relationships including transactions

We will take a resolute stance against undue demands and the like from anti-social forces in carrying out our business. We will also endeavor to cut off any relationships we may have with anti-social forces.

2. Prohibit back-door deals and provision of funding

We will not engage in back-door deals with anti-social forces to conceal scandals and the like. In addition, we will not provide funding to anti-social forces.

3. Cooperate with specialized external agencies

We will respond to undue demands and the like from anti-social forces in close cooperation with specialized external agencies such as the police, lawyers, and the National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations.

4. Respond as an organization

We will respond to anti-social forces as an organization led by our management team and ensure the safety of our officers, employees, etc.

5.Handling of personal information

If we have received undue demands and the like from anti-social forces, we will take legal action, which may include both civil and criminal action, in cooperation with specialized external agencies.

Takashi Sawada
CellSource Co., Ltd.